

欢迎并感谢您对c- involved的兴趣!

1月, 2011, 由行政部门组成的委员会, 教师, staff and students began the process of developing its Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP). 这个计划, now called “c-nvolved” is a campus-wide program designed to integrate undergraduate students’ service experiences into the academic setting. From this site you can learn more about c-nvolved and about service-learning and its benefits. 您还可以找到有关服务学习的常见问题的答案.

Service-Learning is a natural choice for our QEP in light of Carson-Newman’s mission: to help our students reach their full potential as educated citizens and worldwide servant leaders by integrating academic excellence and Christian commitment with a caring community. 另外, c-nvolved, will fulfill a goal stated in our 2009 Strategic Plan to “create a service-learning program that provides opportunities for service” (“Future of the Past,“C-N策略计划2009”.

c- involved有两个目标, the first addresses impact on campus and the second addresses student learning.

  • 到五年计划结束时, our goal is that 70% of students who graduate from Carson-Newman with an undergraduate degree will have had a developmental service-learning experience within their academic discipline.
  • 在参加标准化服务学习计划的学生中, our goal is that 80% of those students will show improvement in identified student learning outcomes.


  • Students will connect knowledge from an academic discipline to their service-learning experience.
  • Students will identify the assumptions and attitudes they bring to Service-Learning.

Professors will use common 评估 tools and will use 评估 data to adjust the service-learning activities. The c-nvolved Committee will use the 评估 data to determine progress toward the goals.

Carson-Newman will implement c-nvolved gradually over the course of four years with LA101 course sections introduced in year one, 200-/300-level courses in years two and three and 400-level courses in year four. 到计划的第五年, 教师的发展将有一个规律的模式, 学生的参与, 评估, 并根据正在进行的评估作出必要的调整.

Carson-Newman has a long history of service to the local community and to the world. The QEP is an attempt to relate that service to what students are learning in the classroom and to assess that learning by a standardized set of measures. Carson-Newman’s QEP is an attempt to enhance the learning and cultural development of our students.



  • 运用学术、个人和社交技能来满足社区需要.
  • Grow in their understanding of themselves, of others and of their civic responsibilities.
  • 培养基于实际问题解决的领导能力.
  • Develop critical thinking skills through reflection activities designed by the instructor.

Service-learning is a pedagogy that connects the academic curriculum with the concerns students have for their community and their world. The results produce lifelong lessons for the students and foster better communities for us all. 从教师的角度来看, service-learning is a researched-based method where guided or classroom learning is applied through actions that address real community needs and allows the student to reflect on the experience.


  • 运用学术、个人和社交技能来满足社区需要.
  • grow in their understanding of themselves, of others and of their civic responsibilities.
  • 培养基于实际问题解决的领导能力.
  • develop critical thinking skills through reflection activities designed by the instructor.

是的. Service-learning is different because the education of the student is always the central factor. Students actively reflect on their classroom learning as well as their community activity. 学术问题被应用到现实生活中.

服务学习没有唯一的方法. A common classification of “service” in service- learning includes direct service, 间接服务, 宣传, 和研究.

  • Direct service involves face-to-face interaction of students within the community. Such service includes working directly with persons or organizations in the chosen community in order to help solve problems. Students engaged in direct service learn to care for others who are different in age, 生活经历及背景.
  • 间接服务使社区受益,而无需学生实际接触. 比如为孩子收集衣服和玩具, 为学校或当地企业制定目标和行动计划的书籍. Through 间接服务 students learn specific skills which are reinforced through real world application.
  • Advocacy is the development of awareness of a public issue or problem and the promotion of action to alleviate the problem. A key difference with other forms of service-learning is that 宣传 understands service in terms of social justice. 在倡导服务学习中,学生可以写信, 参加并领导公众会议,为那些没有发言权的人说话.
  • 研究性服务学习涉及学生设计研究, 收集有关公共问题的数据并报告调查结果. Students may conduct surveys and interviews to study issues the community has identified as important. 除了, 学生可以学习水质, 交通模式和其他与公共安全有关的问题.

每种类型的服务学习对学生和社区都有好处. Service- learning of any type can engage the student’s imagination and curiosity. 社区问题通常需要所有类型的解决方案. It is important that all types of service-learning be used in order to develop civically engaged students.

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